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Dr. Soleimani is currently an Associate Professor at the Woodbury School of Architecture (WSoA), where he teaches and coordinates studios and classes in the areas of Design Computation and Applied Computer Science—Media Arts. The focus of his teaching expands on the intersection between Performance and Design. His classes explore techniques for integrating creative methods of design, computational thinking, parametric form-finding, environmental performance analysis, multimedia arts, and digital fabrication to develop Intelligent Design Systems (IDS).
Overall, Dr. Soleimani is passionate about how technology is changing the process of design. He is optimistic that the process can influence and shape the development of new forms of architecture. He is specifically interested in bridging analog and digital modes of work and he has been integrating this hybrid approach to the development of IDS, which concentrates on techniques that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. Dr. Soleimani's pedagogical aim is to place emerging technologies in the appropriate context in order to be used during the right phase of the design process.
i-arch studio
i-arch studio investigates the various ways in which buildings are designed and theorized as interactive environments. The studio begins with the study of historical themes in the philosophy of technology focusing on the relationships between architecture, technology, and the body. A series of case studies of the work of artists, architects, engineers, and designers are considered in order to develop a conceptual framework for the design of a building exploring future relationships between the architecture and its surrounding environment.
The studio will look at ways of making buildings more responsive, adaptable, dynamic, and engaging through the use of both traditional and contemporary technologies.
"The objects which surround my body reflect its possible action upon them."
(Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory, 1892)
useum of Interactive Technology
nvironmental Education & Research Center
“Museum of Interactive Technology” focuses on the design of hybrid museums, which engage visitors actively in new kinds of experiences. The museum is envisioned as an opportunity to define interactive architectural spaces for consuming, creating, and exhibiting information, comprised of a cyber-physical core, which blurs the boundary between the physical, digital, and spiritual worlds.
The studio is structured based on three design-research activities:
Interactive Devices
Spatial Exhibitions
Architectural Integration
Fall 2019's i-arch studio focused on creating a ‘museum of interactive technology’ to engage visitors actively in new kinds of experiences in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Final design proposals aimed at defining interactive architectural spaces for consuming, creating, and exhibiting information comprised of a cyber-physical core, which blurs the boundary between the digital, physical, and spiritual worlds.
i-arch Focus Studio Catalog:

i-ARCH Focus Studio: Museum of Interactive Technology
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG Studio | Fall 2019
“Environmental Education & Research Center” focuses on the design of a hybrid center to engage teachers, students, citizens, and visitors actively in new kinds of experiences. The research center supports education and research enabling the surrounding community to understand, appreciate, and value the influence of the natural environment in their daily lives. The goal is to offer formal and informal environmental education programs and foster research activities that encourage appreciation, and promote understanding and stewardship of the unique biological and cultural resources of the site.
The studio is structured based on two design-research activities:
Interactive Skin Modulation
Architectural Integration
Within the context of Intelligent Design Systems (IDS), Dr. Soleimani has supervised several undergraduate and graduate students in different areas:
Architectural Robotics
Interaction Design
Design Analytics & Algorithmic Thinking
Environmental Systems
Digital Fabrication
Selected examples of former students' thesis books:
Resurrecting a Fallen Angel:
Architecture Remediating Pollution in Mexico City
Student: Karen Rios
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG | 2018-19
Abstract: the thesis explores a combination of architectural intervention and community involvement to slow down the rising pollution in a once beautiful city of Mexico starting at a micro scale and expanding throughout the city like a butterfly effect of clean environments.
Link to the full manuscript:

The Hydro-Gen Cell:
A Hydroponic, Regenerative, Modular System for Optimized Vertical Farming
Student: Asbiel Samaniego
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG | 2019-20
Abstract: the thesis aims to develop an intelligent hydroponic system to be integrated into the built environment for advancing sustainability. Hydro-Gen cell is envisioned as biomechanical hybrid machinery that, while designed to be used in mid-rise buildings, it addresses sustainable aspects such as the enhancement of food production and air cleaning capacities.
Link to the full manuscript:

Translating Fictions through
Shanshui Painting
Student: Wenying Wu
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG | 2017-18
Abstract: the thesis explores ways of translating qualities from Shanshui paintings to contemporary Chinese Architecture. The focus was given to understanding the rules of nature and the logic behind Shanshui paintings resulting in the design of in-between spaces comprised of rocks, trees, water, and natural elements in daily life.
Link to the full manuscript:

Consolidating Play and Learning through the Spatial Design of Reconfigurable Classroom Settings
Student: Ana Giron
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG | 2019-20
Abstract: the thesis aims to explore the
design of a classroom setting and its ability to encourage educational engagement. Through the spatial design of a reconfigurable classroom setting, this thesis seeks to create alternative educational environments, which engage students through the stimulation of imagination.
Link to the full manuscript:

Tangible Interaction
for Parametric Design
Student: Jingoog Kim
University of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
G | 2015-16
Abstract: the thesis investigates opportunities that Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) can offer designers in terms of learnability, ease-of-use, and exploration of parametric design systems. Sifteo Cubes were used to translate basic geometric and mathematical rules for developing hybrid scripts and generating various architectural forms.
Link to the full manuscript:

Camps in Crisis:
Challenging the Architecture
for Refugees
Student: Huy Ho
Kennesaw State University, USA
UG | 2019-20
Abstract: the thesis aims at challenging the architecture of refugee camps by designing an alternative and primary displacement option that is more environmental, safe, sanitary and resourceful. A replicable permanent infrastructure will be proposed to provide spaces to help refugees better integrate into the local communities.
Link to the full manuscript:

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