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Soleimani, A., “Designing an Interactive Learning Suite for Children: Results from a Usability Study with a Multidisciplinary Research Team.Proceedings of the Computing Conference: e-Learning (London, June 22-23). Springer Publishing, pp. 873-885.


Soleimani, A. & Alani, M., “Performative Periodic Tessellations: A Study of Parametric, Light-Responsive Façade Systems in the Museum Setting.Proceedings of the Building Technology Educators’ Society: Beyond the Artifact (Cosanti & Arcosanti, June 1-3), pp. 184-190.


Roman, T. A., Soleimani, A. & Wisener, W., “Promoting Storytelling, Computational Thinking, and Spatial Reasoning through U-Design: A Design Case of a Cyber-Physical Tool.Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association: Design, Development, and Evaluation of Technology-Rich Tools (San Diego, April 21-26).


Soleimani, A., Karimi, Z. & Loreto, G., “A Refuge for Refugees: An Architectural Intervention in the City of Clarkston.Proceedings of the Design Communication Association: Perception to Execution (Atlanta, October 20-23), 142-148.


Loreto, G., Soleimani, A. & Stewart, L., “Non-Rigid Formwork System for Sustainable Concrete Construction.Proceedings of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium: Performative Environments (Tucson, April 7-10), pp. 167-174.


Alani, M., Kleiss, Michael C. & Soleimani, A., “Responsive Origami: A Modular Approach to Fabricate Dynamic Surfaces Reactive to Socio- Environmental Conditions.Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Copenhagen, July 19-24). LNCS 122203, Springer International Publishing, pp. 3-12.


Soleimani, A., "Computational Design Thinking and Thinking Design Computing." Proceedings of Reynolds Symposium'19: Education by Design - Digital Approaches to Design Education (Portland, October 18-19).

* Recipient of the Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE) Faculty Scholarship.


Soleimani, A., Herro, D. C. & Green, K. E., “CyberPLAYce – A Tangible Interactive Learning Tool Fostering Children’s Computational Thinking through Storytelling.IJCCI'19: International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Elsevier, 20C, pp. 9-23.


Alani, M. & Soleimani, A., “reTessellate: Modular Dynamic Surfaces Reactive to Socio-Environmental Conditions.Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Orlando, July 26-31). HCII’19: Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS 11587, Springer International Publishing, pp. 113-123.


Alani, M., Soleimani, A., Murray, E., Bah, A., Leicht, A. & Sajwani, S., “The Reconfigurable Wall System: Designing a Responsive Structure Reactive to Socio-Environmental Conditions.Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Las Vegas, July 15-20). HCII’18: Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS 10922, Springer International Publishing, pp. 167-177.


Soleimani, A., Alfalih, H., Delgado, M. D., Dowd, M. C., Harkin, M., Ladefoged, C. T., Rateb, C. M. & Samaniego, J. A., “Programming Skins: Cyber-Physical Façade Systems Reactive to Environmental Conditions.Proceedings of ABS’17: the International Conference on Advanced Building Skins, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 153-159.

Soleimani, A., Green, K. E., Herro, D. C. & Walker, I. D., “A Tangible, Story-Construction Process Employing Spatial, Computational-Thinking.Proceedings of IDC’16: the ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Manchester, UK, pp. 157-166.


Soleimani, A., Green, K. E., Herro, D. C., Walker, I. D. & Gardner-McCune, C., “CyberPLAYce, a Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-year-old Storytellers.Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Los Angeles, August 2-7). HCII’15: Human-Computer Interaction, LNCS 9192, Springer International Publishing, pp. 438-446.


Soleimani, A., “CyberPLAYce - A Play Space of Creative, Intelligent Tools Promoting Personal and Computational Expression for Early Learners.Proceedings of DIS’14: the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 191-194, (Doctoral Consortium).


Soleimani, A., Smith, K., Zeng, J., Green, K. E., Herro, D. C., Santiago, J., Sharma. S. Tonapi, M., Vijaykumar, A., Walker, I. D., & Garder-McCune, C., “Learning with CyberPLAYce; a Cyber-Physical Learning Environment for Elementary Students Promoting Computational Expression.Proceedings of CHI’14: the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 165-166, (Archived Video).


Schafer, G., Green, K. E., Walker, I. D., Lewis, E., Fullerton, S., Soleimani, A., Norris, M., Fumagali, K., Zhao, J., Allport, R., Zheng, X., Gift, R. & Padmakumr, A., “Designing the LIT KIT, an Interactive, Environmental, Cyber-Physical Artifact Enhancing Children's Picture-book Reading.Proceedings of IDC’13: the ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, United States, pp. 281-284.










































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